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Music to power-up your inner geek



Music Producer CAPTIVATED by the Genshin Impact Soundtrack (The Wind and The Star Traveler)
Music Producer REACTS to Left 4 Dead 2 Soundtrack
9 Levels of Electric Violin Improv (Tetris Theme)
Music Producer CAPTIVATED by League of Legends Champion Themes (Volibear/Aphelios/Sett)
Music Producer REACTS to MORE Ultrakill OST
Music Producer STUNNED by League of Legends Songs (Braum/Gangplank/Fiddle/MF)
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth did THIS better than all JRPGs
Music Producer REACTS to MORE Helldivers 2 OST


After falling in love with the music of Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, eleven-year-old Diwa de Leon's video game music journey took root. Fast forward to many years later, and hundreds of video games beaten and immersed in, Diwa, now a professional musician who goes by the name String Player Gamer aims to amplify his childhood nerd nostalgia into high quality, musical productions for everyone to enjoy. Full bio.

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